This article lists important tips and detailed information that will allow for the best experience when using Nsight.
Appointment Duration
For appointments that go over one hour in duration, we recommend speaking the most important aspects of the appointment aloud so they can be specifically captured by Nsight for an even more efficient and improved summarization.
Ambiguous language
Here is an example of a situation where clear and exact language can help the model build a better transcription and summary:
- Please get some rest for the next few days.
- Please make sure to have at least seven hours of rest each night.
We recommend being clear and using exact language in the transcriptions for an effective summarization.
Tips to improve summarization accuracy and overall appointments:
- Check your recording devices and the room itself. Be aware of open doors or background noise that may interfere.
- Try to avoid side conversations or unnecessary noise.
- Speak clearly at a normal pace and tone.
- Be aware of mispronunciations and use concise language.
- Try to say everything you are thinking aloud so that everything can be captured; this will allow a more accurate transcription and summary.
- Use action-oriented language: Employ action words like "I'm going to prescribe," "I'm going to refer," or "I'm going to schedule" to convey your intentions clearly.
- Use exact and specific language when referencing medical terms or documentation.
- Personally Identifiable Information: Please keep in mind that certain specific information is needed for an efficient capture of information. For example, gender identification is needed for our model to properly identify the patients. If “other,” for example, is selected as a gender, our model will not know the sex of the patient unless specifically stated in the transcription.
- Engage with Nsight as if it were your own virtual assistant
- Brief Nsight on your patient’s known information before the encounter
- Before and during appointments, speak out loud to Nsight so it knows what to look for
- Express your thoughts and plans to the patient at the end of the visit, this will allow clear communication with Nsight that will lead to higher appointment accuracy and summarization
Using clear and concise communication with your patient will allow Nsight to provide enhanced output, this also improves the overall provider/patient encounter.
Remember, the more your patient understands, the more Nsight will understand providing higher accuracy and a more detailed summarization.
Keeping these tips in mind will allow clearer communication and understanding for both your patient and Nsight, allowing more effective patient encounters.